Monday, May 5, 2008

Week Six- Post #1

Neighborhood Association Web Services

Cornella posted a rather interesting site called the Public Technology Institute (PTI). The site states that it is a resource for technology executives in local government. Within the site there was particular attention drawn to the 2006-2007 Technology Solutions Web & E-Government Services document, in which specific examples of case studies were addressed within the report.

One interesting topic that instantly caught my eye was, Neighborhood Association Web Services within Phoenix Arizona. This sparked my interest because of a MPA class I was enrolled in last quarter, Health Policy. Within the class emphasis was placed on a grass roots neighborhood organization that gained the power to not only influence the legislature, but change budget allotments to benefits their neighborhood. That fueled my curiosity at how fantastic it would be if other neighborhood communities could utilize information services to their advantage to cultivate better, more effective, participation between communities and governmental entities.

For example communities could utilize online services to report pot-holes, damaged sidewalks, graffiti, or suggestions on better land use planning and more. Another idea might be that neighborhoods could be better informed in the even of emergencies or power outages because they could enroll in text messaging services. The possibilities seem endless and very implementable---?? I would be interested in receiving feedback from fellow classmates regarding the potential of such a program.

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